Module Yices

module Yices: sig .. end
Yices binding for Ocaml

See the official C API documentation

type context 
type typ 
type expr 
type var_decl 
type model 
type assertion_id = int 
type lbool = 
| False
| Undef
| True
type var_decl_iterator 
type unsat_core = assertion_id array 

context A context sotres a collection of declarations and asserations.

expr Expressions (abstract syntax tree)

typ Types (abstract syntax tree)

var_decl Variable declaration. A declaration consists of a name a type (such as x::bool). An instance of the declaration represents the term x. Instances are also called name expressions. Instances can be created using Yices.mk_bool_var_from_decl or Yices.mk_var_from_decl.

model Model. A model assigns constant values to variables defined in a context. The context must be known to be consistent for a model to be available. The model is constructed by calling Yices.check (or its relatives) then Yices.get_model.

assertion_id Assertion index, to identify retractable assertions.

unsat_core Arrays of assertion indexes.

lbool Extended booleans: to represent the value of literals in the context

val version : unit -> string
Return the Yices version number.


val set_verbosity : int -> unit
Set the verbosity level.
val enable_type_checker : bool -> unit
Force Yices to type check expressions when they are asserted (default = false).
val enable_log_file : string -> unit
Enable a log file that will store the assertions, checks, decls, etc.

If the log file is already open, then nothing happens.
Raises Failure if either:

val set_arith_only : bool -> unit
Inform yices that only arithmetic theory is going to be used.

This flag usually improves performance (default = false).

val set_max_num_conflicts_in_maxsat_iteration : int -> unit
Set the maximum number of conflicts that are allowed in a maxsat iteration.

If the maximum is reached, then "unknown" (i.e., Undef) is returned by maxsat.

val set_max_num_iterations_in_maxsat : int -> unit
Set the maximum number of iterations in the MaxSAT algorithm.

If the maximum is reached, then "unknown" (i.e., Undef) is returned by maxsat.

val set_maxsat_initial_cost : int64 -> unit
Set the initial cost for a maxsat problem.

Context management

val mk_context : unit -> context
mk_context () creates a logical context.
val del_context : context -> unit
del_context ctx deletes the given logical context.

See Yices.mk_context.

val reset : context -> unit
reset ctx resets the given logical context.
val dump_context : context -> unit
Display the internal representation of the given logical context on stderr.

This function is mostly for debugging.

val push : context -> unit
Create a backtracking point in the given logical context.

The logical context can be viewed as a stack of contexts. The scope level is the number of elements on this stack. The stack of contexts is simulated using trail (undo) stacks.

val pop : context -> unit

Restores the context from the top of the stack, and pops it off the stack. Any changes to the logical context (by Yices.assert_simple or other functions) between the matching Yices.push and pop operators are flushed, and the context is completely restored to what it was right before the Yices.push.

See Yices.push.


val assert_simple : context -> expr -> unit
Assert a constraint in the logical context.

After one assertion, the logical context may become inconsistent. The method Yices.inconsistent may be used to check that.

val assert_weighted : context -> expr -> int64 -> assertion_id
Assert a constraint in the logical context with weight w.
Returns An id that can be used to retract the constraint.

See Yices.retract.

val assert_retractable : context -> expr -> assertion_id
Assert a constraint that can be later retracted.
Returns An id that can be used to retract the constraint.

This is similar to Yices.assert_weighted, but the weight is considered to be infinite.

See Yices.retract.

val retract : context -> assertion_id -> unit
Retract a retractable or weighted constraint.

See Yices.assert_weighted and Yices.assert_retractable.


val inconsistent : context -> int
Check whether the logical context is known to be inconsistent.

If the function returns true (i.e., a non-zero value) then the context is inconsistent. If it returns false (i.e., 0) then the context's status is unknown. To determine the status in this case, call Yices.check.

val check : context -> lbool
Check if the logical context is satisfiable.

If the context is satisfiable, then Yices.get_model can be used to obtain a model.

Warning! This method ignore the weights associated with the constraints.

val max_sat : context -> lbool
Compute the maximal satisfying assignment for the asserted weighted constraints.

If the result is True, then Yices.get_model can be used to obtain a model.

See Yices.assert_weighted

val max_sat_cost_leq : context -> int64 -> lbool
Similar to Yices.max_sat, but start looking for models with cost less than of equal to max_cost.
Returns False if such a model doesn't exist.
val find_weighted_model : context -> bool -> lbool
find_weighted_model ctx random searches for a model of the constraints asserted in ctx and compute its cost.

If random is true, then random search is used, otherwise, the default decision heuristic is used.

If there are no weighted constaints in ctx, then this function is the same as Yices.check.

Otherwise, it searches for a model that satisfies all the non-weighted constraints but not necessarily the weighted constraints. The function returns True if such a model is found, and the model can be obtained using Yices.get_model. The cost of this model is the sum of the weights of the unsatisfied weighted constraints.

The function returns False if it cannot find such a model.

The function may also return Undef, if the context contains formulas for which yices is incomplete (e.g., quantifiers). Do not use the model in this case.

Unsatisifiable core

val get_unsat_core : context -> unsat_core
Get the unsat core as an array.

Each element is the id of a retractable assertion.

See Yices.assert_retractable.


val get_model : context -> model
Return a model for a satisfiable logical context.


Raises Failure if the model is not available
val get_value : model -> var_decl -> lbool
get_value m v returns the assignment for the variable v.

The result is Undef if the value of v is a "don't care".

Warning! v must be the declaration of a boolean variable.

See Yices.get_int_value, Yices.get_arith_value and Yices.get_double_value.

val get_int_value : model -> var_decl -> int32
get_int_value m v returns the integer value assigned to variable v in model m
Raises Failure if one of the following errors occurs: See Yices.get_value, Yices.get_arith_value and Yices.get_double_value.
val get_arith_value : model -> var_decl -> int32 * int32
get_arith_value m v returns the rational value as a pair (numerator, denominator)
Raises Failure if one of the following errors occurs: See Yices.get_value, Yices.get_int_value and Yices.get_double_value.
val get_double_value : model -> var_decl -> float
get_double_value m v converts the value assigned to variable v in model m to a floating point number and returns it.
Raises Failure if one of the following errors occurs: See Yices.get_value, Yices.get_int_value and Yices.get_arith_value.
val get_arith_value_as_string : model -> var_decl -> string
get_arith_value_as_string m d converts the value assigned to a variable, given its variable declaration d in model m to a character string.
val get_ratio_value : model -> var_decl -> Ratio.ratio
val get_big_int_value : model -> var_decl -> Big_int.big_int
val get_bitvector_value : model -> var_decl -> int -> bool array
get_bitvector_value m v n gets the bitvector constant assigned to a variable v in model m.

It returns an array of n booleans: bv.(0) is the low-order bit and bv.(n - 1) is the high-order bit.

n should be the size of the bitvector variable v. Otherwise:

Raises Failure if one of the following errors occurs:
val get_bv_value : model -> var_decl -> int -> bool array
Alias of Yices.get_bitvector_value.
val get_scalar_value : model -> var_decl -> int
get_scalar_value m d gets the value assigned to a variable of scalar type in model m as an integer index.

If d is a variable declaration of a scalar type tau, then tau must have been defined as (define-type tau (scalar e_0 ... e_(n-1))) for some n>0.

This function returns the value of variable d in model m as an index between 0 and n-1 (i.e., if the function returns i then the value of d is e_i).
Raises Failure if one of the following error occurs:

val get_scalar_value_name : model -> var_decl -> string
get_scalar_value_name m d gets the value assigned to a variable of scalar type in model m as a string.

If d is a variable declaration of a scalar type tau, then tau must have been defined as (define-type tau (scalar e_0 ... e_(n-1))) for some n>0.

This function returns the value of variable d in model m as one of the strings e_i.
Raises Failure if one of the following error occurs:

val get_assertion_value : model -> assertion_id -> bool
Return true (false) if the assertion of the given assertion id is satisfied (not satisfied) in the model.

This function is only useful for assertion ids obtained using Yices.assert_weighted, and if Yices.max_sat was used to build the model. That is the only scenario where an assertion may not be satisfied in a model produced by yices.

val evaluate_in_model : model -> expr -> lbool
Evaluate a formula in a model.

Model can be obtained via Yices.get_model, after a call to Yices.check, Yices.max_sat, or Yices.find_weighted_model

val display_model : model -> unit
Display the given model in the standard output.
val get_cost : model -> int64
Return the cost of model m.

The cost is the sum of the weights of unsatisfied constraints.

Warning! The model cost is computed automatically by Yices.max_sat but not by Yices.check. If Yices.check returns True (or Undef), you can to call compute_model_cost to compute the cost explicitly. But this function does not seem to exist yet... MD

val get_cost_as_double : model -> float
Return the cost of the model m, converted to a double-precision floating point number.
val iter_bool_var_decl : (var_decl -> unit) -> context -> unit
(OCaml-specific) Applies a function to each boolean variable declarations of a given context.


val parse_expression : context -> string -> expr
parse_expression ctx s parses string s as a Yices expression and return the expression. The string must use the Yices input language (not SMT-LIB).
val parse_type : context -> string -> typ
parse_type ctx s parses string s as a Yices type and return the type. The string must uses the Yices input language (not SMT-LIB).
val parse_command : context -> string -> unit
parse_command ctx s parses and executes the command in string s. s must use the Yices input language.


val mk_type : context -> string -> typ
mk_type ctx name returns the type associated with the given name. If the type does not exist, a new uninterpreted type is created.

Remark: number, real, int, nat, bool, any are builtin types.

val number_type_name : string
val real_type_name : string
val int_type_name : string
val nat_type_name : string
val bool_type_name : string
val any_type_name : string
val mk_bitvector_type : context -> int -> typ
mk_bitvector_typ ctx size returns the bitvector type of the given size (bv size).

The size must be positive.

val mk_bv_type : context -> int -> typ
Alias of Yices.mk_bv_type
val mk_function_type : context -> typ array -> typ -> typ
mk_function_type ctx d r returns a function type (-> d1 ... dn r).
val mk_tuple_type : context -> typ array -> typ
mk_tuple_type ctx a constructs the tuple type (a0, ..., an).

Variable declarations and uses

val mk_bool_var_decl : context -> string -> var_decl
mk_bool_var_decl ctx name returns a new boolean variable declaration.
Raises Failure if a variable already exists with the same name.

Remark: Short for mk_var_decl ctx name (mk_type ctx "bool").

val mk_var_decl : context -> string -> typ -> var_decl
mk_var_decl ctx name type returns a new (global) variable declaration. It is an error to create two variables with the same name.
val get_var_decl_from_name : context -> string -> var_decl
get_var_decl_from_name ctx name returns a variable declaration associated with the given name.
Raises Failure if there is no variable declaration associated with the given name.
val get_var_decl : expr -> var_decl
get_var_decl e returns the variable declaration object associated with the given name expression.

Warning! e must be a name expression created using methods such as: Yices.mk_bool_var, Yices.mk_fresh_bool_var, or Yices.mk_bool_var_from_decl.

val get_var_decl_name : var_decl -> string
get_var_decl_name d returns a name of a variable declaration.
val mk_var_from_decl : context -> var_decl -> expr
mk_var_from_decl ctx d returns a name expression (instance) using the given variable declaration.
val mk_bool_var_from_decl : context -> var_decl -> expr
mk_bool_var_from_decl ctx d returns a name expression (instance) using the given variable declaration.
val mk_bool_var : context -> string -> expr
mk_bool_var ctx name returns a name expression for the given variable name.

mk_bool_var ctx n1 = mk_bool_var ctx n2 when n1 = n2.

See Yices.mk_bool_var_decl, Yices.mk_fresh_bool_var, Yices.mk_bool_var_from_decl.

val mk_fresh_bool_var : context -> expr
mk_fresh_bool_var ctx returns a fresh boolean variable.


val mk_true : context -> expr
mk_true ctx returns an expression representing true.
val mk_false : context -> expr
mk_false ctx returns an expression representing false.
val mk_or : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_or ctx args returns an expression representing the disjunction or of the given arguments (as an array).

Warning! the length of the array must be greater than 0.

val mk_and : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_and ctx args returns an expression representing the conjunction and of the given arguments (as an array).

Warning! the length of the array must be greater than 0.

val mk_not : context -> expr -> expr
mk_not ctx a returns an expression representing (not a).
val mk_eq : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_eq ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 = a2.
val mk_diseq : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_eq ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 /= a2.
val mk_ite : context -> expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_ite ctx c t e returns an expression representing (if c t e) (if condition then then-value else else-value).

Function and tuple expressions

val mk_app : context -> expr -> expr array -> expr
mk_app ctx f a returns a function application term (f a1 ... an).

The type of f must be a function type, and its arity must be equal to the number of arguments, that is the size of the array a.

val mk_function_update : context -> expr -> expr array -> expr -> expr
mk_function_update ctx f a v returns a function update term (update f (a1 ... an) v).

The type of f must be a function type, and its arity must be equal to the number of arguments, that is the size of the array a.

val mk_tuple_literal : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_tuple_literal ctx a Build the tuple term (tuple a1 ... an).

Numeric expressions

val mk_num : context -> int -> expr
mk_num ctx n returns an expression representing the given integer.
val mk_num_from_string : context -> string -> expr
mk_num_from_string ctx n returns an expression representing the number provided in ASCII format.
val mk_sum : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_sum ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) + ... + arr.(n).

Warning! Array.length arr must be greater than zero.

val mk_sub : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_sub ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) - ... - arr.(n).

Warning! Array.length arr must be greater than zero.

val mk_mul : context -> expr array -> expr
mk_mul ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) * ... * arr.(n).

Warning! Array.length arr must be greater than zero.

val mk_lt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_lt ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 < a2.
val mk_le : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_le ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 <= a2.
val mk_gt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_gt ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 > a2.
val mk_ge : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_ge ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 >= a2.

Bitvector expressions

val mk_bv_constant : context -> int -> int32 -> expr
mk_bv_constant ctx size value creates a bit vector constant of size bits and from the given value.

size must be positive.

val mk_bv_constant_from_array : context -> bool array -> expr
mk_bv_constant ctx size bv creates a bit vector constant from an array of booleans bv.

Bit i of the bitvector is set to 0 if bv.(i) is false and to 1 if bv.(i) is true.

val mk_bv_add : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_add ctx a1 a2 Bitvector addition

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_sub : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_sub ctx a1 a2 Bitvector subtraction

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_mul : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_mul ctx a1 a2 Bitvector multiplication

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size. The result is truncated to that size too, e.g., multiplication of two 8-bit vectors gives an 8-bit result.

val mk_bv_minus : context -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_minus ctx a1 Bitvector opposite

a1 must be bitvector expression. The result is (- a1).

val mk_bv_concat : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_concat ctx a1 a2 Bitvector concatenation

a1 and a2 must be two bitvector expressions. a1 is the left part of the result and a2 the right part.

Assuming a1 and a2 have n1 and n2 bits, respectively, then the result is a bitvector concat of size n1 + n2. Bit 0 of concat is bit 0 of a2 and bit n2 of concat is bit 0 of a1.

val mk_bv_and : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_and ctx a1 a2 Bitwise and

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_or : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_or ctx a1 a2 Bitwise or

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_xor : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_xor ctx a1 a2 Bitwise exclusive or

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_not : context -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_not ctx a Bitwise negation
val mk_bv_extract : context -> int -> int -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_extract ctx end begin a extracts a subvector from the bitvector a.

a must a bitvector expression of size n with begin < end < n. The result is the subvector from a[begin] to a[end].

val mk_bv_sign_extend : context -> expr -> int -> expr
mk_bv_sign_extend ctx a n returns the sign extension of the bitvector a to n bits.

Append n times the most-significant bit of a to the left of a.

val mk_bv_shift_left0 : context -> expr -> int -> expr
mk_bv_shift_left0 ctx a n Left shift by n bits, padding with zeros.
val mk_bv_shift_left1 : context -> expr -> int -> expr
mk_bv_shift_left1 ctx a n Left shift by n bits, padding with ones.
val mk_bv_shift_right0 : context -> expr -> int -> expr
mk_bv_shift_right0 ctx a n Right shift by n bits, padding with zeros.
val mk_bv_shift_right1 : context -> expr -> int -> expr
mk_bv_shift_right1 ctx a n Right shift by n bits, padding with ones.

Unsigned comparison

val mk_bv_lt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_lt ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 < a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_le : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_le ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 <= a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_gt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_gt ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 > a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_ge : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_ge ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 >= a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

Signed comparison

val mk_bv_slt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_slt ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 < a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_sle : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_sle ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 <= a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_sgt : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_sgt ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 > a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

val mk_bv_sge : context -> expr -> expr -> expr
mk_bv_sge ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 >= a2)

a1 and a2 must be bitvector expression of same size.

Pretty print expressions

val pp_expr : expr -> unit
Pretty print the given expression in the standard output.


module Future: sig .. end
Untested and potentially harmful features