A | |
any_type_name [Yices] | |
assert_retractable [Yices] |
Assert a constraint that can be later retracted.
assert_simple [Yices] |
Assert a constraint in the logical context.
assert_weighted [Yices] |
Assert a constraint in the logical context with weight
w .
B | |
bool_type_name [Yices] | |
C | |
check [Yices] |
Check if the logical context is satisfiable.
D | |
del_context [Yices] | del_context ctx deletes the given logical context.
del_context [Yicesl] |
Delete the given logical context.
display_model [Yices] |
Display the given model in the standard output.
dump_context [Yices] |
Display the internal representation of the given logical context on
stderr .
E | |
enable_log_file [Yices] |
Enable a log file that will store the assertions, checks, decls, etc.
enable_log_file [Yicesl] |
Enable a log file that will store the assertions, checks, decls, etc.
enable_type_checker [Yices] |
Force Yices to type check expressions when they are asserted (default = false).
enable_type_checker [Yicesl] |
Force Yices to type check expressions when they are asserted (default = false)
evaluate_in_model [Yices] |
Evaluate a formula in a model.
F | |
find_weighted_model [Yices] | find_weighted_model ctx random searches for a model of the constraints
asserted in ctx and compute its cost.
G | |
get_arith_value [Yices] | get_arith_value m v returns the rational value as a pair (numerator, denominator)
get_arith_value_as_string [Yices] | get_arith_value_as_string m d converts the value assigned to a variable,
given its variable declaration d in model m to a character string.
get_assertion_value [Yices] |
Return true (false) if the assertion of the given assertion id is satisfied (not
satisfied) in the model.
get_big_int_value [Yices] | |
get_bitvector_value [Yices] | get_bitvector_value m v n gets the bitvector constant assigned to a
variable v in model m .
get_bv_value [Yices] |
Alias of
Yices.get_bitvector_value .
get_cost [Yices] |
Return the cost of model
m .
get_cost_as_double [Yices] |
Return the cost of the model m, converted to a double-precision
floating point number.
get_double_value [Yices] | get_double_value m v converts the value assigned to variable v
in model m to a floating point number and returns it.
get_int_value [Yices] | get_int_value m v returns the integer value assigned to variable v in model m
get_lite_context [Yices.Future] |
Get the Lite context out of a Full context.
get_model [Yices] |
Return a model for a satisfiable logical context.
get_ratio_value [Yices] | |
get_scalar_value [Yices] | get_scalar_value m d gets the value assigned to a variable of scalar
type in model m as an integer index.
get_scalar_value_name [Yices] | get_scalar_value_name m d gets the value assigned to a variable of
scalar type in model m as a string.
get_unsat_core [Yices] |
Get the unsat core as an array.
get_value [Yices] | get_value m v returns the assignment for the variable v .
get_var_decl [Yices] | get_var_decl e returns the variable declaration object associated with
the given name expression.
get_var_decl_from_name [Yices] | get_var_decl_from_name ctx name returns a variable declaration associated with the given name.
get_var_decl_name [Yices] | get_var_decl_name d returns a name of a variable declaration.
I | |
inconsistent [Yices] |
Check whether the logical context is known to be inconsistent.
inconsistent [Yicesl] |
Return true if the given logical context is inconsistent.
int_type_name [Yices] | |
interrupt [Yices.Future] |
Given on yices-help by Bruno Dutertre (2009-12-16)
iter_bool_var_decl [Yices] |
(OCaml-specific) Applies a function to each boolean variable declarations of a given context.
M | |
max_sat [Yices] |
Compute the maximal satisfying assignment for the asserted
weighted constraints.
max_sat_cost_leq [Yices] |
Similar to
Yices.max_sat , but start looking for models with cost
less than of equal to max_cost .
mk_and [Yices] | mk_and ctx args returns an expression representing the conjunction and of the given arguments (as an array).
mk_app [Yices] | mk_app ctx f a returns a function application term (f a1 ... an) .
mk_bitvector_type [Yices] | mk_bitvector_typ ctx size returns the bitvector type of the given size (bv size) .
mk_bool_var [Yices] | mk_bool_var ctx name returns a name expression for the given variable name.
mk_bool_var_decl [Yices] | mk_bool_var_decl ctx name returns a new boolean variable declaration.
mk_bool_var_from_decl [Yices] | mk_bool_var_from_decl ctx d returns a name expression (instance) using the given variable declaration.
mk_bv_add [Yices] | mk_bv_add ctx a1 a2 Bitvector addition
mk_bv_and [Yices] | mk_bv_and ctx a1 a2 Bitwise and
mk_bv_concat [Yices] | mk_bv_concat ctx a1 a2 Bitvector concatenation
mk_bv_constant [Yices] | mk_bv_constant ctx size value creates a bit vector constant of
size bits and from the given value .
mk_bv_constant_from_array [Yices] | mk_bv_constant ctx size bv creates a bit vector constant from an array
of booleans bv .
mk_bv_extract [Yices] | mk_bv_extract ctx end begin a extracts a subvector from the bitvector a .
mk_bv_ge [Yices] | mk_bv_ge ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 >= a2)
mk_bv_gt [Yices] | mk_bv_gt ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 > a2)
mk_bv_le [Yices] | mk_bv_le ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 <= a2)
mk_bv_lt [Yices] | mk_bv_lt ctx a1 a2 Unsigned comparison: (a1 < a2)
mk_bv_minus [Yices] | mk_bv_minus ctx a1 Bitvector opposite
mk_bv_mul [Yices] | mk_bv_mul ctx a1 a2 Bitvector multiplication
mk_bv_not [Yices] | mk_bv_not ctx a Bitwise negation
mk_bv_or [Yices] | mk_bv_or ctx a1 a2 Bitwise or
mk_bv_sge [Yices] | mk_bv_sge ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 >= a2)
mk_bv_sgt [Yices] | mk_bv_sgt ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 > a2)
mk_bv_shift_left0 [Yices] | mk_bv_shift_left0 ctx a n Left shift by n bits, padding with zeros.
mk_bv_shift_left1 [Yices] | mk_bv_shift_left1 ctx a n Left shift by n bits, padding with ones.
mk_bv_shift_right0 [Yices] | mk_bv_shift_right0 ctx a n Right shift by n bits, padding with zeros.
mk_bv_shift_right1 [Yices] | mk_bv_shift_right1 ctx a n Right shift by n bits, padding with ones.
mk_bv_sign_extend [Yices] | mk_bv_sign_extend ctx a n returns the sign extension of the bitvector a to n bits.
mk_bv_sle [Yices] | mk_bv_sle ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 <= a2)
mk_bv_slt [Yices] | mk_bv_slt ctx a1 a2 Signed comparison: (a1 < a2)
mk_bv_sub [Yices] | mk_bv_sub ctx a1 a2 Bitvector subtraction
mk_bv_type [Yices] |
Alias of
mk_bv_xor [Yices] | mk_bv_xor ctx a1 a2 Bitwise exclusive or
mk_context [Yices] | mk_context () creates a logical context.
mk_context [Yicesl] |
Create a logical context.
mk_diseq [Yices] | mk_eq ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 /= a2 .
mk_eq [Yices] | mk_eq ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 = a2 .
mk_false [Yices] | mk_false ctx returns an expression representing false .
mk_fresh_bool_var [Yices] | mk_fresh_bool_var ctx returns a fresh boolean variable.
mk_function_type [Yices] | mk_function_type ctx d r returns a function type (-> d1 ... dn r) .
mk_function_update [Yices] | mk_function_update ctx f a v returns a function update term
(update f (a1 ... an) v) .
mk_ge [Yices] | mk_ge ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 >= a2 .
mk_gt [Yices] | mk_gt ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 > a2 .
mk_ite [Yices] | mk_ite ctx c t e returns an expression representing (if c t e) (if condition then then-value else else-value).
mk_le [Yices] | mk_le ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 <= a2 .
mk_lt [Yices] | mk_lt ctx a1 a2 returns an expression representing a1 < a2 .
mk_mul [Yices] | mk_mul ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) * ... * arr.(n) .
mk_not [Yices] | mk_not ctx a returns an expression representing (not a) .
mk_num [Yices] | mk_num ctx n returns an expression representing the given integer.
mk_num_from_string [Yices] | mk_num_from_string ctx n returns an expression representing the number provided in ASCII format.
mk_or [Yices] | mk_or ctx args returns an expression representing the disjunction or of the given arguments (as an array).
mk_sub [Yices] | mk_sub ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) - ... - arr.(n) .
mk_sum [Yices] | mk_sum ctx arr returns an expression representing arr.(0) + ... + arr.(n) .
mk_true [Yices] | mk_true ctx returns an expression representing true .
mk_tuple_literal [Yices] | mk_tuple_literal ctx a Build the tuple term (tuple a1 ... an) .
mk_tuple_type [Yices] | mk_tuple_type ctx a constructs the tuple type (a0, ..., an) .
mk_type [Yices] | mk_type ctx name returns the type associated with the given name.
mk_var_decl [Yices] | mk_var_decl ctx name type returns a new (global) variable declaration.
mk_var_from_decl [Yices] | mk_var_from_decl ctx d returns a name expression (instance) using the given variable declaration.
N | |
nat_type_name [Yices] | |
number_type_name [Yices] | |
P | |
parse_command [Yices] | parse_command ctx s parses and executes the command in string s .
parse_expression [Yices] | parse_expression ctx s parses string s as a Yices expression and return the expression.
parse_type [Yices] | parse_type ctx s parses string s as a Yices type and return the type.
pop [Yices] |
pp_expr [Yices] |
Pretty print the given expression in the standard output.
push [Yices] |
Create a backtracking point in the given logical context.
R | |
read [Yicesl] |
Process the given command in the given logical context.
real_type_name [Yices] | |
reset [Yices] | reset ctx resets the given logical context.
retract [Yices] |
Retract a retractable or weighted constraint.
S | |
set_arith_only [Yices] |
Inform yices that only arithmetic theory is going to be used.
set_max_num_conflicts_in_maxsat_iteration [Yices] |
Set the maximum number of conflicts that are allowed in a maxsat iteration.
set_max_num_iterations_in_maxsat [Yices] |
Set the maximum number of iterations in the MaxSAT algorithm.
set_maxsat_initial_cost [Yices] |
Set the initial cost for a maxsat problem.
set_output_file [Yicesl] |
Set the file that will store the output produced by yices
(e.g., models).
set_verbosity [Yices] |
Set the verbosity level.
set_verbosity [Yicesl] |
Set the verbosity level
V | |
version [Yices] |
Return the Yices version number.
version [Yicesl] |
Return the yices version number